Compliance – Key Factor for Success
Our compliance system is designed to prevent, detect, and respond to potential violations of existing anti-corruption and antitrust provisions based on internal guidelines and trainings (Prevent–Detect–Respond).
The Real Green Lighting Business Conduct Guidelines define group wide rules of conduct, specifically on efforts to combat corruption and on proper conduct when engaging in competition. In addition, we address compliance-related risks through various IT tools. For example, we classify our business partners based on certain risk indicators, such as the level of corruption in the country in which the relevant business partner operates. We have also introduced country-specific tools addressing issues relating to giving and receiving gifts and hospitalities, sponsorships, donations, and memberships. All compliance regulations are continuously evaluated with regard to their practicability and adjusted or further developed if necessary.
Detect & Respond
In order to detect and respond to compliance violations, we rely on the whistleblower hotline “Tell Real Green Lighting”. Furthermore, all employees have the option to report violations to our compliance organization. We follow up on any indication of a violation. An internal compliance investigation is launched if justified by concrete evidence. Upon completion of an investigation, we propose remedies for the identified deficits and supervise their implementation. We also respond to detected misconduct with employment-law disciplinary sanctions. We monitor, evaluate and improve the Real Green Lighting compliance system on a continuous basis.
"Tell Real Green Lighting"
"Tell Real Green Lighting" is a protected reporting channel by which all our employees and third parties can report possible compliance violations.
Supplier Management
Sustainability plays an important role in the supply chain as part of a global economy. We expect our suppliers to adhere to basic values in human rights, labor standards, environmental protection and the fight against corruption, among others. In order to ensure this we hold intensive discussions with our suppliers to create a common understanding of basic values. In addition, we use tools and processes to support our suppliers as implementation partners and to verify compliance.
Code of conduct for suppliers
Real Green Lighting has a concise Code of Conduct for Suppliers which, similar to our own Business Conduct Guidelines, takes as its basis the most important international standards and conventions and also provides a clear summary of our fundamental values. It has been signed by our suppliers throughout the world.
Supplier audit
Regular audits are necessary to verify compliance with the Code of Conduct. That is why we extended our regular supplier audits with aspects of corporate responsibility, taking place on several levels.
Corporate responsibility is an obligatory element for suppliers, and implementing these measures is part of the “balanced scorecard” of our purchasers.
Part of the supplier qualification process is to obtain supplier self-disclosures in which relevant data on corporate responsibility criteria is queried.
On the basis of self-disclosure and other risk-based criteria we have Corporate Responsibility Supplier Audits conducted by objective external auditors.
Integration of these tools in our central purchasing system ensures seamless incorporation in the entire procurement process. If discrepancies are found in the course of supplier auditing we discuss these with the supplier and together produce proposals for improvement. The relevant supplier will then be reaudited. No violations of our Code of Conduct have yet been discovered that would necessitate terminating a business relationship, and the general feedback from our suppliers has been positive.
Quality Management
"Quality First"
Real Green Lighting is synonymous with innovative, tailor-made products and solutions that are extremely high quality and reliable. To continue meeting these requirements while product complexity is increasing and product development cycles are shrinking, we rely on our “Quality First” culture.
By offering reliable products, prompt delivery, and dependable support we aim to satisfy our customers’ high expectations. To do this, we are focusing on comprehensively enhancing preventive quality management throughout the Real Green Lighting Licht Group. This can only be effective if quality management and consistent attention to quality permeate all processes throughout a product’s life cycle, from the original idea until it is phased out.
All our main sites are certificated
ISO 9001
Real Green Lighting meets the highest quality standards which are certified according to ISO 9001 and ISO TS 16949 by external agencies each year. Real Green Lighting was completely successful in all certified areas. Focusing on the technological change to innovative LED-based products with short development cycles, Real Green Lighting has once again developed and strengthened quality management in the last fiscal year in the areas of development quality and supplier quality.
We regularly check whether our management guidelines are put into practice so that sustainability is ensured. We discuss our results and quality management performance with top management both on a local and company level, and continue to develop our systems continually and sustainably.
The quality of our products is ensured and constantly improved by our high quality management standards, which results in a sustainable reduction in the complaints rate of our products while increasing customer benefits at the same time.
Welcome to our web page dedicated to the state LED economy, lighting economy, and LED manufacturer economy.The state LED economy is a growing sector of the economy that encompasses the production, distribution, and sale of LED lighting products. LEDs are more energy-efficient and longer-lasting than traditional lighting sources, making them a popular choice for consumers and businesses alike.
The lighting economy refers to the broader market for lighting products and services, including both traditional and LED lighting solutions. As energy costs continue to rise, more consumers are turning to energy-efficient lighting options, driving growth in the lighting economy.The LED manufacturer economy is made up of the companies that design, manufacture, and distribute LED lighting products. This industry is rapidly expanding as demand for energy-efficient lighting continues to grow.
Whether you are an investor, business owner, or simply interested in learning more about the LED and lighting economies, our web page provides valuable information and insights. We cover topics such as industry trends, emerging technologies, and investment opportunities in these dynamic sectors.Explore our site to learn more about the state LED economy, lighting economy, and LED manufacturer economy, and discover the many ways in which these industries are shaping the future of lighting and energy efficiency.