Real Green Lighting Company Limited

Lighting the Way to a Brighter Future

Solutions  351


Our clients from Saudi Arabia upgraded their warehouse and head office lighting with Real Green Lighting and express their sheer pleasure on their Facebook social network.

“Our decision to move forward was based on an assessment of LED lighting quality, as well as our desire to improve the usage experience of our clients.”


Having invested in 1000 LED fittings over ten floors, our clients expect the lighting will illuminate his building gorgeous and amazing.Besides the LED rope light and flexible LED neon rope light, our clients also apply the LED flood light for his building.


The difference between Real Green Lighting and other LED companies is our commitment to superior services. We don’t just install LED Bulbs andcharge clients over the odds:we supply complete LED lighting fixtures and lights which work in reducing energy bills by an average of 75% per year.


Our systems really do pay for themselves.


How is the building?

Here are displaying for you.



                                     Head Office Building                                                                                            Office Inner Structure


What makes Real Green Special?

Cooperate with the quality manufacture, like Real Green, the China’s quality supplier you worth to reliable, and potentially save your company thousands in energy bills while improving staff working conditions.



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